The differences between ash and birch wood

Ash and birch are both hardwoods that are commonly used as firewood. Whilst birch is slightly softer than ash, there isn’t much of a difference between the two and when kiln-dried to a low moisture content, both of these woods make excellent firewood options.

There are just a few differences between the two. Birch is slightly less dense than ash, and these logs have a slightly better heat output. So, your stove will get hotter quickly and the space that you are trying to heat up will reach the desired temperature in a shorter time.

Ash on the other hand offers a more sustained and longer burn. This wood type is suitable for medium usage, for instance, 5-6 hours per night. Ash logs will also typically produce slightly less smoke compared to birch. These are more or less the only differences between the two.

At Four Seasons Fuel, we have both ash and birch wood available. We have seasoned high-quality, air-dried ash and hornbeam birch firewood, dried through the summer in our barn ready for immediate use on open fires, wood burners, multi-fuel stoves, etc. These logs are available in approximately 250mm-sized pieces that are delivered to you split and ready for burning.

Our birch hardwood logs are supplied in convenient netted bags that have been kiln-dried. The moisture content in these logs is around +/-15%. By kiln-drying firewood, you will find that your logs will burn for longer and benefit from greater heat efficiency.

All our firewood fuel and smokeless fuels comply with the Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards) Regulations 2020.

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