Benefits of a charcoal barbecue

When it comes to deciding whether to buy a gas-powered barbecue or stick to the traditional charcoal-fired one, there’s fierce debate.

But which grill really is better? Here we look at the pros and cons of each type.

Gas-fired grills tend to be cleaner to operate, enable more accurate heat distribution and give a more predictable heat supply.
There are those who praise the gas grill for being so clean, heat-accurate and quick to get hot.

We prefer charcoal-fired BBQs for the taste of the food. Charcoal-grilled food has a lovely smoky flavour that the meat slow cooked over a charcoal grill gets is where as it is absent in most of gas grills. If you wish to change the temperature in a charcoal BBQ one merely raises the grill level or move the charcoal around.

For those who are used to and love that flavour, they will likely never switch over to the gas grills, although these are easy to use and less messy.

Charcoal BBQs are usually cheaper than gas fired or even electric fired.
Charcoal BBQs are generally lighter in weight too and hence are more portable.
Charcoal has been used for cooking since the beginning of time and there is something positive about following the conventional ways which many still prefer.
Although the cleaning up can be time consuming, with the modern day cleaning accessories and cleaning agents available, this is not that difficult of a task.

So although there are a few disadvantages like cleaning the mess after you cook, it is a small price to pay for tender, moist and smoky meat!

Having decided on a charcoal-fired BBQ, now you need the best charcoal… which is where we come in.

We’ve been packing lumpwood charcoal on-site for more than 25 years. Our charcoal does not need lighter fuel for starting, so you won’t have taints on the food. ‘Just twist paper and light’: Four Seasons Fuel charcoal ignites easily, burns hot and reaches cooking temperature within 15 minutes.

Why buy British charcoal?

If only half of the annual 60,000 tonnes demand for barbecue charcoal came from British woodlands instead of 5%, this would provide the financial incentive for the better care of 40,000 ha of ancient woodland. You would also get better quality charcoal as the wood from the British trees used is typically less dense than that used for imported charcoal. Four Seasons Charcoal is light in weight and does not have to be transported across the world to get your BBQ. It is also produced from local coppiced woodland which helps keep our woodland habitats in great condition for wildlife.

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